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LIMA | Day 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Skill Transfer Clean Weightlifting High-Hang Clean (1×3/65% | 1×3/70% | 1×3/80%) *Run as E2MOM Mid-Hang Clean (1×3/65% | 1×3/70% |1×3/80%) *Run as E2MOM Low Hang Clean (6×1/Climbing to MW | Starting @ 65-70%) *Every 90s *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (Time) (3rds) 40 KB Flutter Kick 24/16kg L/R=1 30 AKS (American KB Swing) 24/16kg 20 WBS (Wallball Shot) 20/14#*Rx+: KB: 32/20kg *CAP: 12m

LIMA | Day 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Back Squat (1×9/65% | 1×6/70% | 1×3/80%) *Run as E2MOM (6m) Front Squat (1×9/65% | 1×6/70% | 1×3/80%) *Run as E2MOM (6m) Overhead Squat (6×1/Climbing | Starting @ 65%) *Run every 90s *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (Time) (10rds) 9 T2B (Toe to Bar) 6 BJ (Box Jump) 24/20″ 3 B2B (Burpee to Bar) 6″*B2B must be 6″ above outreached hands *CAP: 10m

LIMA | Day 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Instructional “LIMA” Cycle Overview: This cycle will include more Strength (Powerlifting) during the 1st segment, coupled with more complex weightlifting (Olympic Lifting) Components. Gymnastic Skill components will be integrated 2nd segment leading into the open. Once the open commences (Late Feb.) Strength and heavier lifting METCONS will be integrated early in the week followed by bodyweight and cardio respiratory conditioning (Final 5 weeks) Weightlifting High Hang Power Snatch (1×3/65% | 1×3/70% | 1×3/80%) (3rd Pull)*Run as E2MOM (6m) Mid-Hang snatch (1×2/65% | 1×2/70% | 1×2/80%) 2nd Pull Position*Run as E2MOM (6m) Low hang snatch (6×1/Climbing to MW (Start @ 65-70%)) *Below the knee *Every 90s (9m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (7m) 7 SA KB TSTR (Thruster) 24/16kg (R) 7 KBS (Snatch) 24/16kg (R) 7 SA KB TSTR (L) 7 KBS (L)*Rx+: 32/20kg *KBS: Hardstyle (Swinging) *GO FAST. GO HARD

New years Bash!

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon Partner WOD (Teams of 2) Metcon (Time) 200m Run 42 TSTR (Thruster) 115/75# 18 Bar Muscleup 200m Run 30 TSTR 30 Chest to Bar 200m Run 18 TSTR 42 Pullup Then: 100 ABmat Sit-up Then: 100 Partner Leg Toss*1 Athlete working at a time ** BOTH Athletes Run each rd.


Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Benchmark WOD NORAYDA (Time) 16 CAL Row (Buy-in) Then: (5rds) 3 Box Jump-Over 24/20″ 7 Hand Stand Pushup 4 Power Clean 135/95#*2 Heats (All athletes judged)


Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional *Athlete can choose between any of the following WODs to perform as Benchmark. *Will run in 2 heats. *All athletes will be judged Warm-up Athlete Choice (7min) Benchmark WOD Fran (Time) 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95# / 65# Pull-ups Isabel (Time) For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95# Grace (Time) For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#

KILO (Benchmark Week)

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional *Benchmark week. Final week of “KILO” cycle. (26 Dec.-31 Dec.) To include Weightlifting/Powerlifting & Metabolic markers. **Must have judge on all 1RM attempts *** “LIMA” cycle to commence 02 Jan.) Warm-up Benchmark Olympic Lifting Split Jerk (Establish 1RM) *10m Benchmark/Strength Back Squat (Establish 1RM) *14m *4m Transition Metcon Metcon (Time) 10,9,8,7,6…1 Pushup Floor Press 135/95# Pullup Deadlift 135/95#Rx+: 155/75#

KILO (Benchmark Week)

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional *Benchmark week. Final week of “KILO” cycle. (26 Dec.-31 Dec.) To include Weightlifting/Powerlifting & Metabolic markers. **Must have judge on all 1RM attempts *** “LIMA” cycle to commence 02 Jan.) Warm-up Skill Transfer Clean Benchmark Olympic Lifting Clean (Establish 1RM) *14m Benchmark/Strength Deadlift (Establish 1RM) *10m *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (9m) 09 SDHP (Sumo Deadlift Highpull) 95/65# 09 HSPU (Handstand Pushup)*Rx+: SDHP: 115/75# HSPU: 2″ Deficit WT: 50-55% SDHP 1RM