GOLF | Block 2 | Week 8
Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: https://games.crossfit.com/register/open 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Fresh cooked meal delivery: Asheville Pro Kitchen 40% off first 4 weeks Code: BLUERIDGE40 https://ashevilleprokitchen.com Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “GOLF” Cycle | Block 2 Strength Components will be periodized of %’s Week 1: 3×12/50% Week 2: 4×8/70% Week 3: 5×6/80% Week 4: 3×5/85% *IMPORTANT : Athletes DO NOT max out or exceed prescribed %’s. Warm-up Strength Bench Press (3×5/85%) (14m) Metcon