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New years Bash!

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon Partner WOD (Teams of 2) Metcon (Time) 200m Run 42 TSTR (Thruster) 115/75# 18 Bar Muscleup 200m Run 30 TSTR 30 Chest to Bar 200m Run 18 TSTR 42 Pullup Then: 100 ABmat Sit-up Then: 100 Partner Leg Toss*1 Athlete working at a time ** BOTH Athletes Run each rd.


Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Benchmark WOD NORAYDA (Time) 16 CAL Row (Buy-in) Then: (5rds) 3 Box Jump-Over 24/20″ 7 Hand Stand Pushup 4 Power Clean 135/95#*2 Heats (All athletes judged)


Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional *Athlete can choose between any of the following WODs to perform as Benchmark. *Will run in 2 heats. *All athletes will be judged Warm-up Athlete Choice (7min) Benchmark WOD Fran (Time) 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95# / 65# Pull-ups Isabel (Time) For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95# Grace (Time) For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#

KILO (Benchmark Week)

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional *Benchmark week. Final week of “KILO” cycle. (26 Dec.-31 Dec.) To include Weightlifting/Powerlifting & Metabolic markers. **Must have judge on all 1RM attempts *** “LIMA” cycle to commence 02 Jan.) Warm-up Benchmark Olympic Lifting Split Jerk (Establish 1RM) *10m Benchmark/Strength Back Squat (Establish 1RM) *14m *4m Transition Metcon Metcon (Time) 10,9,8,7,6…1 Pushup Floor Press 135/95# Pullup Deadlift 135/95#Rx+: 155/75#

KILO (Benchmark Week)

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional *Benchmark week. Final week of “KILO” cycle. (26 Dec.-31 Dec.) To include Weightlifting/Powerlifting & Metabolic markers. **Must have judge on all 1RM attempts *** “LIMA” cycle to commence 02 Jan.) Warm-up Skill Transfer Clean Benchmark Olympic Lifting Clean (Establish 1RM) *14m Benchmark/Strength Deadlift (Establish 1RM) *10m *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (9m) 09 SDHP (Sumo Deadlift Highpull) 95/65# 09 HSPU (Handstand Pushup)*Rx+: SDHP: 115/75# HSPU: 2″ Deficit WT: 50-55% SDHP 1RM

KILO (Benchmark Week)

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Instructional *Benchmark week. Final week of “KILO” cycle. (26 Dec.-31 Dec.) To include Weightlifting/Powerlifting & Metabolic markers. **Must have judge on all 1RM attempts *** “LIMA” cycle to commence 02 Jan.) Benchmark Olympic Lifting Snatch (Establish 1RM) *14m Benchmark/Strength Bench Press (Establish 1RM) *10m Metcon Metcon (Time) (3rds) 10 C&J (Clean & Jerk) 145/100# 20 WBS (Wallball ShotRx+: 165/110# *SPRINT. Choose wt to go UB

CHRISTMAS EVE ????????????⛄️????

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon Partner WOD (Teams of 2) Metcon (Time) 100 DU (Double Under) 50 Alt. SA DB Snatch 55/35# L/R=2 *10 B2B (Burpee to Bar) 100 DU 50 SA DB Front Squat 55/35# *10 B2B 100 DU 50 SA DB PushPress 55/35# L/R=2 *10 B2B 100 DU 50 Weighted DB Stepup 55/35# L/R=2 *10 B2B 100 DU 50 WallBall Shot 20/14# *10 B2B 100 DU 50 MB Situp 20/14# *10 B2B 100 DU 50 Weighted MB Hanging Knee Raise 20/14# *10 B2B*1 Athlete working ** BOTH Athletes perform B2B (10 each) *B2B: Bar must be 6″ above outreached hands *MB Knee Raise: Ball held between ankles

1️⃣2️⃣ Days of Christmas! ????

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon 12 Days of Christmas (Time) 01 100m Run 02 Box Jump 36/28 03 Thruster 95/65 04 SDHP 95/65 05 Ring Dips 06 AKS 24/16 07 Burpee 08 MB Clean 09 K2E 10 Clapping PU 11 Pullup 12 HC&J 95/65