Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “UNIFORM” Cycle, Block 1 will include TEMPO/Paused Strength components, Olympic Lifting and Skill Transfer accompanied by Constantly Varied Metabolic conditioning. Warm-up Skill Transfer Snatch Work Weightlifting High Hang Muscle Snatch (5×3/60% | Climbing to MW) E60s High Hang Power Snatch (5×3/60% | Climbing to MW) E75s High Hang Squat Snatch (5×3/60% | Climbing to MW) E90s Transition: (3m) Conditioning Metcon (Time) 21-15-09 OHS 95/65# SDHP 95/65#Rx+: 115/75# WT: 40-45% of OHS 1RM CAP: (6m)