“FOXTROT” | Block 2 | Week 5
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “FOXTROT” Cycle, Block 2: Strength: Introduction of Auxiliary Power lifting Components Olympic Lifting: Continuation with OLY progression. Conditioning: Integration of Glycolitic and Oxidative Pathways. Warm-up Strength (14m) Front Squat (3×5/80& 1xME/50%) Front Squat (1xME/50%) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 2 Dumbbells(18m) 9 DB S2OH 18′ Front Rack Walking Lunge 9 DB G2S 18′ DB Suitcase Walking Lunge 9 T2B WT: 55/35#