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BENCHMARK/Deload Week | Day 5


BENCHMARK/Deload Week | Day 5

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit


Benchmark/Deload week:

Conclusion of the “CHARLIE” cycle. Athletes will deload while collecting updated benchmark data.

Athletes will perform benchmarks on prescribed strength and stamina tests. This week will serve as a deload week. Athletes should avoid heavy lifting, and intense metabolic components for the next 7 days.

Put emphasis into rest, recovery, mobility, flexibility,proper nutrition and hydration.

Important to be present all 6 testing days. Athletes unable to attend must submit video documentation meeting all movement and performance standards for review before submitting scores.


Benchmark WOD

Athlete choice: Between Grace or Isabel.

*2 heats. All athletes judged.

Grace (Time)

For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#

Isabel (Time)

For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#

Benchmark Gymnastics

100 Sit up (Time)

Cap: (5m)

*2 heats