“JULIET” Block 1 | Week 2
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “JULIET” Cycle | Block 1 to integrate “Circuit” Style Endurance based strength conditioning coupled with endurance based Metabolic Conditioning Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (6m) AMRAP 6 Pwr Clean 135/95# 12 Ring Dip Rest: (4m) (6m) AMRAP 6 S2OH 135/95# 12 Pullup Rest: (4m) (6m) AMRAP 6 C& J 135/95# 12 Burpee Over Bar Rx+: 155/105# WT: (50%) of Clean 1RM Core Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps) Vup (1xME/2m)