Veterans Day | Hero WOD
Announcements November events and schedule updates: Sneaker Recycling: Monday, November 11th – Saturday, November 30th *Bring in your old shoes to the donation box in the lobby. Toys For Tots: Drop-off location: Asheville Vehicle Outfitters (AVO) 24 Sterling Place Mills River, NC 28759 *Only new toys (Not used) can be dropped off anytime including the AVO Open House, Saturday November 23rd, 1100-1400. Pick-up is Saturday, December 1st. https://ashevillevehicleoutfitters.com Veterans Day Schedule: Monday, 11 November. Open Gym: 0800-0900 CrossFit: 0900-1000 Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule: Wednesday, 27 November: 0600, 0830, 1200 Thursday, 28 November (Thanksgiving day) Open Gym: 0800-0900 CrossFit: 0900-1000 Friday, 29 November Open Gym: 0800-0900 CrossFit: 0900-1000 Saturday, 30 November 0800-0900 Open Gym CrossFit: 0900-1000 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional In observation of our nations Veteran’s, their service and oath to defend our Constitution against enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC. Hero WOD Jack (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 20 minutes 10 Push Presses (115/85 lb) 10 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood) 10 Box Jumps (24/20 in)In honor of Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, OK,died September 29th, 2009To learn more about Jack click here