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LIMA | Week 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Strength Bent Over Row (1×8/67.5% | 1×5/72.5% | 1×2/82.5%) E2MOM Wide Grip Bent Over Row (1×8/67.5% | 1×5/72.5% | 1×2/82.5%) E2MOM Barbell Row (Reverse Grip) (6×1/Clibing to MW | Starting @ 65-70%) *E90s *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (7m) 7 Back Squat 135/95# 7 Floor Press 135/95#*Rx+: 155/105# *WT: 50% of Bench Press 1RM

LIMA | Week 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Mobility Shoulder/Upper Thoracic Metcon Metcon (Time) (3rds) 25 BJ (Box Jump) 24/20″ 25 SB (Slam Ball) 25 MB Burpee + MB Head Shot 20/14# 25DU (Double Under)*CAP 16m

LIMA | Week 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting High-Hang Snatch (1×4/67.5% | 1×3/72.5% | 1×2/82.5%) E2MOM Mid-Hang snatch (1×3/72.5% | 1×2/77.5% | 1×1/82.5%) 2nd Pull PositionE2MOM Squat Snatch (6×1/Climbingto MW | Starting @ 65-70%) Every 90s *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (7m) 7 Front Squat 135/95# 7 HSPURx+: 185/120# *WT: 50%

KILO | Week 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Sumo Deadlift (1×8/67.5% | 1×5/72.5% | 1×2/85%) Romanian Deadlift (1×8/67.5% | 1×5/72.5% | 1×2/85%) Deadlift (6×1/Climbing Starting at 65-70%) *E90s *4m Transition Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (7m) 7 BB Pushup+Bent Over Row 95/65# 7 C2B (Chest to Bar)*Rx+: 135/95# *WT: 50% of BOR

LIMA | Week 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Group Warm-up Metcon Partner WOD (Teams of 2) Metcon (Time) 200 ABSU (ABmat Situp) (Buy-in) Then: (2rds) 30 SA DB Hang Clean & Jerk 55/35# 30 SA DB Front Squat 55/35# 30 SA DB Hang Snatch 55/35# 30 SA DB Push Press Then: 150 ABSU Then: Then: (2rds) 30 BJ (Box Jump) 24/20″ 30 Burpee 30 Wallball Shot 20/14# Then: 100 ABSU*CAP: 30m *1 Athlete Working at a time Metcon (Time) 200 ABSU (ABmat Situp) (Buy-in) Then: (2rds) 30 SA DB Hang Clean & Jerk 55/35# 30 SA DB Front Squat 55/35# 30 SA DB Hang Snatch 55/35# 30 SA DB Push Press Then: 150 ABSU Then: Then: (2rds) 30 BJ (Box Jump) 24/20″ 30 Burpee 30 Wallball Shot 20/14# Then: 100 ABSU*CAP: 30m *1 Athlete Working at a time

LIMA | Week 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Weightlifting Hang Power Clean (1×3/65% | 1×3/70% | 1×3/80%) E2MOM HANG SQUAT CLEAN (1×2/65% | 1×2/70% | 1×2/80%) E2MOM Clean (6X1/Climbing to MW | Start @ 65-70%) E90s *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (6m) 9 OHS (Overhead Squat) 95/65# 9 RD (Ring Dip)Rx+: 115/75# *WT: 50% 1RM

LIMA | Week 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Strength Bench Press (1×9/65% | 1×6/70% | 1×3/80%) E2MOM Wide Grip Bench Press (1×9/65% | 1×6/70% | 1×3/80%) E2MOM Close Grip Bench Press (6×1/Climbing to MW | Star @ 65-70%) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (6m) 9 HPC (Hang Power Clean) 95/65# 9 BFB (Bar Facing Burpee)Rx+: 115/75# WT: 50 % of 1RM