LIMA | Week 10
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Core Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) TABATA | 20/10 | 3rds Hollow Rock Oblique Bend (L) Combat Roll Oblique Bend (R)*WT: Athlete Choice *Record WT in “Notes” *3m Transition Metcon Metcon (No Measure) KettleBell Complex: (5rds) 5 SA KB Swing 5 SA KB High Pull 5 SA KB Snatch 5 SA KB Front Squat *Perform 5 Reps of each movements on Left side then 5 Reps of each movement on Right side. *Rest 15s between sides and Rest 45s between Rds.WT: Athlete choice. Choose wt to go UB each Rd. (Go heavy AP but light enough to stay UB and focus on technique!) *Athlete can climb or scale wt. as needed throughout