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ALPHA | Block 2 | Week 5

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Bent Over Row (4×8/70%) (9m) Transition: (3m) Metcon Metcon (Weight) CIRCUIT: 60/60 | 3rds Bench Press Bodyweight | 3/4 bodyweight Zercher Squat 34/BW | 1/2/BW Clean BW | 3/4 BW

ALPHA | Block 2 | Week 5

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Deadlift (4×8/70%) (14m) Transiition: (4m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a (20m) Running Clock: 100 ABmat Situp 75 Air Squat 50 Pushup 25 Pullup (Buy-in) Then: With Remaining Time: (AMRAP) 12 Deadlift 155/105# 15 Box Jump 18 Pike Pushup

ALPHA | Week 4 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit (Final week of Block 1) Instructional Athletes workup to Max loads on all Shoulder Press movements. Must have judge on all Max attempts. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Athletes have a (24m) running clock to establish Max sets Shoulder Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Wide Grip Shoulder Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Close Grip Shoulder Press (Workup to 10rep Max) Reverse Grip Shoulder Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max)

ALPHA | Week 4 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit (Final week of Block 1) Instructional Athletes workup to Max loads on all Deadlift movements. Must have judge on all Max attempts. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Athletes have a (30m) running clock to establish Max sets Deadlift (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Sumo Deadlift (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Close Stance Deadlift (Workup to 10 Rep Max)

ALPHA | Week 4 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit (Final week of Block 1) Instructional Athletes workup to Max loads on all ROW movements. Must have judge on all Max attempts. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Athletes have a (24m) running clock to establish Max sets Bent Over Row (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Wide Grip Bent Over Row (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Close Grip Bent Over Row (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Reverse Grip Bent Over Row (Workup to 10rep Max)

ALPHA | Week 4 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit (Final week of Block 1) Instructional Athletes workup to Max loads on all Squat movements. Must have judge on all Max attempts. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Athletes have a (30m) running clock to establish Max sets Back Squat (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Front Squat (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Overhead Squat (Workup to 10 Rep Max)

ALPHA | Week 4 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit (Final week of Block 1) Instructional Athletes workup to Max loads on All Bench Pressing movements. Must have judge on all Max attempts. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Athletes have a (30m) running clock to establish Max sets Bench Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Wide Grip Bench Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Close Grip Bench Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max) Reverse Grip Bench Press (Workup to 10 Rep Max)

ALPHA | Week 3 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Close Stance Deadlift (4×10/65%) (13m) Transition: (4m) Metcon Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT | 60/30 | 3rds Handstand Walk ABmat Situp Strict Pullup Vup