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ALPHA | Week 10 | Block 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Wide Grip Bent Over Row (4×6/75%) (9m) Transition: (3m) Metcon Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT | 40/20 | 3rds MB Pushup MB Situp MB Pullup MB Mtn Climber L/R=1WT: 20/14#

ALPHA | Week 10 | Block 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Back Squat (4×6/75% ) (14m) Transition: (4m) Metcon Metcon (Time) 100 Double Under 50 Air Squat 90 DU 40 AS 80 DU 30 AS 70 DU 20 AS 60 DU 10 ASCAP: (13m)

ALPHA | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Conditioning Teams of 2 | Partner WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a (28m) Running Clock: 30 Floor Press 155/105# 30 Clean 185/120# 30 Deadlift 225/155# (Buy-in) Then: (With remaining time) AMRAP: 10 PULLUP 20 PUSHUP 30 AIRSQUAT*1 ATHLETE WORKING

ALPHA | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Shoulder Press (4×6/75%) (9m) Transition: (4m) Metcon Metcon (6 Rounds for time) (2rds) 200m Run Timed Unbroken SA KB TSTR Rest: TBD (After each rd) (2rds) 300m Run Timed UB SA KB Hang Squat Clean Rest: TBD (2rds) 400m Run Timed UB Burpees over Bell Rest: TBD*CAP: (22m) WT: 24/16kg *SCORE: Record time then add reps to “notes”

ALPHA | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Deadlift (4×6/75%) (14m) Transition: (4m) Metcon Metcon (6 Rounds for time) Sprintwork: 50m Run Rest: 60s 50m Row Rest: (60s) 15s Bike (CAL) Rest: (60s) 100m Run Ret: (90s) 100m Row Rest: (90s) 30s Bike (CAL)Rotate in heats

ALPHA | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Bent Over Row (4×6/75%) (9m) Transition: (3m) Metcon A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (10m) 400m Run (Buy-in) Then: AMRAP 10 T2B 8 Box Jump 30/24″ 6 Burpee to Plate 3″Rest: (3m) B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (8m) 300m Run (Buy-in) Then: AMRAP 8 K2E 6 Box Jump 24/20″ 4 Burpee

ALPHA | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Back Squat (4×6/75%) (14m) Transition: (4m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 60s ME TSTR 95/65 60s Rest 60s ME SDHP 95/65 60s Rest: 45s ME TSTR 135/95 45s Rest 45s ME SDHP 135/95 45s Rest 30s ME TSTR 155/105 30s Rest 30s ME SDHP 155/105WT: Start 50% TSTR

ALPHA | Week 8 | Block 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Conditioning Teams of 2 | Partner WOD Metcon (Time) 400m Run 40 Snatch 75/55# Rest: (2m) 400m Run 40 C&J 75/55# Rest: (2m) 300m Run 30 Snatch 95/65# Rest: (3m) 300m Run 30 C&J 95/65# Rest: (3m) 200m Run 20 Snatch 115/75# Rest: (4m) 200m Run 20 C&J 115/75# *CAP: (34m)*WT: Start 40% of Snatch 1RM and accesnd accordningly **1 Athlete working at a time on Run and Barbell.