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FOXTROT | Week 3 | Block 1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “FOXTROT” Cycle: Block 1: Strength: Concentration on Hypertrophy and muscle endurance. Olympic Lifting: Technique and progressive overload. Stamina: Empahsis on Phosphogen pathway (Sprintwork) Warm-up Strength Deadlift (3×8/60% 1xME/50% (Compare to Week 2)) (14m) Conditioning Metcon (4 Rounds for time) Run Sprintwork: CIRCUIT: 4rds4x150m *Rest: 1m45s between sets

CrossFit – Sat, Oct 14

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon (2 Rounds for distance) CIRCUIT: 2m/2m | 2rds Drag Tire Flip Farmer Carry Push*1 Athlete working *WT: Athlete Choice

FOXTROT | Week 2 | Block1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “FOXTROT” Cycle: Block 1: Strength: Concentration on Hypertrophy and muscle endurance. Olympic Lifting: Technique and progressive overload. Stamina: Empahsis on Phosphogen pathway (Sprintwork) Warm-up Strength Bench Press (3×7/65% 1xME/50% (Compare to week 1)) (12m) Weightlifting Complex 1 Mid Hang Muscle Snatch + 1 Mid Hang Snatch Clean + 1 Mid Hang Squat Snatch Complex (Weight) MHMS + MHPS + MHSS Work up to heavy complex (5×1/Climbing) (E75s)*Record heaviest successful set Metcon Metcon (Time) 6rds 6 G2OH 95/65# 8 Box Jump Over 24/20″Cap: (8m)

FOXTROT | Week 1 | Block1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “FOXTROT” Cycle: Block 1: Strength: Concentration on Hypertrophy and muscle endurance. Olympic Lifting: Technique and progressive overload. Stamina: Empahsis on Phosphogen pathway (Sprintwork) Warm-up Strength Back Rack Reverse Lunge (3×6/70%1xME/50%) Alternating Reps Conditioning Metcon (6 Rounds for time) Sledwork: CIRCUIT: 6rds6x25m (Prowler) High-side 225/135# *Rest: 75s between sets

FOXTROT | Week 1 | Block1

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “FOXTROT” Cycle: Block 1: Strength: Concentration on Hypertrophy and muscle endurance. Olympic Lifting: Technique and progressive overload. Stamina: Empahsis on Phosphogen pathway (Sprintwork) Warm-up Strength Deadlift (3×6/70% 1xME/50%) (14m) Conditioning Metcon (6 Rounds for time) Run Sprintwork: CIRCUIT: 6rds6x50m *Rest: 75s between sets


Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week: Benchmark: Athletes will find 1RM on all Powerlifting, Gymnastics & Metabolic conditioning components. Deload: Athletes focus is establishing 1RM and deloading, allowing for physiological repair and recovery. *It is critical for athletes to attend, document and be present for ALL days of the BM/DL week to accumulate precise and accurate numbers moving forward in next cycle “FOXTROT” Cycle begins Monday, 02 October. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Bent Over Row (Establish 1RM) (15m) ALL 1RM Attempts will be judged Benchmark Gymnastics Strict Pull Up (Max Effort) All Max Effort Attempts will be judged. *2 Heats Flexed Arm Hang (Time) Scaled option for athletes without strict pull-up


Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week: Benchmark: Athletes will find 1RM on all Powerlifting, Gymnastics & Metabolic conditioning components. Deload: Athletes focus is establishing 1RM and deloading, allowing for physiological repair and recovery. *It is critical for athletes to attend, document and be present for ALL days of the BM/DL week to accumulate precise and accurate numbers moving forward in next cycle “FOXTROT” Cycle begins Monday, 02 October. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength Bench Press (Establish 1RM) (15) *All 1RM attempts must be JUDGED. Benchmark Gymnastics Push-ups (Max effort) *All ME attempts will be Judged

ECHO | Week 12 | Block 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Deadlift (8×3/70% | “X”) EMOM Conditioning Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT : 40/20 | 3rds Squat/Curl Combo RDL/Upright Combo Lunge/Press Combo (L) Lunge/Press Combo (R)WT: Athlete Choice. *SLOW, CONTROLLED Movement patterns