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TANGO | Block 1 | Week 1 | Day 3


TANGO | Block 1 | Week 1 | Day 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit

“TANGO” Cycle | Block 1 | Week 1 | Day 4:

Block 1 of TANGO cycle will incorporate “Tempo” or “Paused” Strength components. Athletes will move through different variations of tempo at max loads to improve strength and address weakness in the lifts range of motion.
“Metabolic” Conditioning will be constantly varied with subtle increase in “Oxidative” pathways to improve overall endurance and long term stamina in the athlete.



Paused Bent Over Row (4×4/MW | 2121)


Transition (2m)


Metcon (Distance)

How many total meters!?!


SB Toss 50/35#

* 10 Box Jump 24/20″ Every 50m