CHRISTMAS EVE ????????????⛄️????
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit
Partner WOD (Teams of 2)
Metcon (Time)
100 DU (Double Under)
50 Alt. SA DB Snatch 55/35# L/R=2
*10 B2B (Burpee to Bar)
100 DU
50 SA DB Front Squat 55/35#
*10 B2B
100 DU
50 SA DB PushPress 55/35# L/R=2
*10 B2B
100 DU
50 Weighted DB Stepup 55/35# L/R=2
*10 B2B
100 DU
50 WallBall Shot 20/14#
*10 B2B
100 DU
50 MB Situp 20/14#
*10 B2B
100 DU
50 Weighted MB Hanging Knee Raise 20/14#
*10 B2B
*1 Athlete working
** BOTH Athletes perform B2B (10 each)
*B2B: Bar must be 6″ above outreached hands
*MB Knee Raise: Ball held between ankles