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Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Metcon (Time) “Savage Saturday”100 Reps of each. Complete all reps before moving on to the next exercise. Pull Ups...
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Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Metcon (Distance) “Just Rowing”500m Row Warm Up 1 Min Row Max Effort 1 Min Rest 1 Min Row Max...
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Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Metcon (No Measure) 5km Tempo RunJog 400m at an easy pace. Then sprint 100m. Repeat 10 times Metcon (AMRAP...
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LIMA | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Accessory Dumbell Chest Press (3×12/MW) *8m Dumbell Reverse Fly (3×8/MW) *6m Metcon Metcon (Time) 30 BJ (Box Jump) 24/20′...
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LIMA | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Thruster (4×3/Climbing to heavy Triple) *10m Gymnastics Knees To Elbow (3x30s/ME) *90s Rest between sets Metcon Metcon (Time)...
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Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Metcon (Time) “Farmers walk”1000m Farmers carry with 2 60lbs weights or kettlebells. Every time you have to rest. Drop...
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