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HDS-Hybrid Athlete-Phase 1.1

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Instructional Welcome Warriors! Nice to have you onboard! For your info: We are actually within the 2nd month of our new project! All exercises should be done correctly and with your full attention/focus. Feel the involved muscles and perform all reps without a hurry! Sometimes less is more! Again, nice to have you here! And don´t panic- we will increase the level on a regular basis! You will need a timer for a lot of our workouts- i can recommend the free APP: TABATA TIMER If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to let us know your questions! Warm-up 5 min warm up program: 30s of easy running on the spot Arm Circling 15sec each direction Hip Circling 15 sec each direction 10 Air squads 10 Inch Worm & PushUps 30s Jumping jacks 5 each (LH/RH) Lunges with nice stretch 30s Mountain Climbers 8 Rounds for time (8 Rounds for time) +15 Reverse Lunges +15 Hollow Rocks +15 PushUps Have fun Dead Hang (Time) max time possible! If you feel like quitting-add another 10s! 🙂 Post Workout Stretching routine #1 (Checkmark) 1. Standing Forward Fold: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward from your hips and let your upper body hang down towards the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. 2. Standing Quad Stretch: Stand tall and grab your right ankle with your right hand. Pull your heel...
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GOLF | Block 2 | Week 6

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “GOLF” Cycle | Block 2 Strength Components will be periodized of %’s Week 1: 3×12/50% Week 2: 4×8/70% Week 3: 5×6/80% Week 4: 3×5/85% *IMPORTANT : Athletes DO NOT max out or exceed prescribed %’s. Warm-up Strength Back Squat (4×8/70%) (14m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) (4m) AMRAP 4 Squat Clean 135/95 4 BJ Burpee 24/20″ *Rest: (4m) (4m) AMRAP 6 Front Squat 135/95# 4 Burpee Pullup 6″ Rx+: WT: 155/105# Box: 30/24″ Bar: 10″

HDS-Hybrid Athlete-Phase 1.1

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Instructional Welcome Warriors! Nice to have you onboard! For your info: We are actually within the 2nd month of our new project! All exercises should be done correctly and with your full attention/focus. Feel the involved muscles and perform all reps without a hurry! Sometimes less is more! Again, nice to have you here! And don´t panic- we will increase the level on a regular basis! You will need a timer for a lot of our workouts- i can recommend the free APP: TABATA TIMER If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to let us know your questions! Warm-up 5 min warm up program: 30s of easy running on the spot Arm Circling 15sec each direction Hip Circling 15 sec each direction 10 Air squads 10 Inch Worm & PushUps 30s Jumping jacks 5 each (LH/RH) Lunges with nice stretch 30s Mountain Climbers Reps for time (Time) 15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Let´s go!!! +Burpees +PushUps +Air Squats +PullUps Post Workout Stretching routine #1 (Checkmark) 1. Standing Forward Fold: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward from your hips and let your upper body hang down towards the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. 2. Standing Quad Stretch: Stand tall and grab your right ankle with your right hand. Pull your heel towards your glutes to stretch your quadriceps. Hold for 15 seconds and then switch sides. 3. Standing Hamstring Stretch: Stand...
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GOLF | Block 2 | Week 5

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “GOLF” Cycle | Block 2 Strength Components will be periodized of %’s Week 1: 3×12/50% Week 2: 4×8/70% Week 3: 5×6/80% Week 4: 3×5/85% *IMPORTANT : Athletes DO NOT max out or exceed prescribed %’s. Warm-up Strength Deadlift (4×8/70%) (14m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (20m) 200m Run 20 Double-Under 18 WBS 20/14# 16 ABmat Situp 14′ DB Suitcase Lunge 55/35#Rx+: Vest: 20/14#

CrossFit – Sat, Feb 3

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Group Warm-up 🙂 Conditioning Teams of 2 | Partner WOD Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT: 2M/1M | 3rds Stone G2S 75/50# OH Sledge 10/8# Log Flip Walking Sled Push 215/165#*1 Athlete working *Rx+: Vest: 20/14# *Athletes should dress accordingly for outdoor conditions. (Consider skully caps, hoodies, gloves etc.)

GOLF | Block 2 | Week 5

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “GOLF” Cycle | Block 2 Strength Components will be periodized of %’s Week 1: 3×12/50% Week 2: 4×8/70% Week 3: 5×6/80% Week 4: 3×5/85% *IMPORTANT : Athletes DO NOT max out or exceed prescribed %’s. Warm-up Strength Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (3×12/50%) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 H2S 95/65# 6 Bar Facing Burpee Rest: (4m ) (4m) AMRAP 8 G2S 95/65# 6 Bar Over Burpee Rest: (4m) (4m) AMRAP 8 S2OH 95/65# 6 Burpee 2 Plate 3″/2″Rx+: 135/95#

HDS-Hybrid Athlete-Warm UP month

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Instructional Welcome Warriors! Nice to have you onboard! For your info: We are actually in WarmUp Phase Week 4! Final Week in January! Keep going! By the way- how do you feel so far? Last day of our first month cycle:-) All exercises should be done correctly and with your full attention/focus. Feel the involved muscles and perform all reps without a hurry! Sometimes less is more! Again, nice to have you here! And don´t panic- we will increase the level on a regular basis! You will need a timer for a lot of our workouts- i can recommend the free APP: TABATA TIMER If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to let us know your questions! Warm-up 5 min warm up program: 30s of easy running on the spot Arm Circling 15sec each direction Hip Circling 15 sec each direction 10 Air squads 10 Inch Worm & PushUps 30s Jumping jacks 5 each (LH/RH) Lunges with nice stretch 30s Mountain Climbers Warm Up Circle 5.3 (5 Rounds for time) Circuit 5 rounds 2 Minutes break between rounds +20 Burpees +15 PullUps +30 Jumping Lunges (15 each) +30 Back Extensions +25 Box Jumps +10 Plank to PushUp position Level: HETo make the start for all of us easier we will have following Levels: Normal Effort, NE High Effort, HE MAX Effort, ME Our circles don´t depend on max...
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HDS-Hybrid Athlete-Warm UP month

Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Instructional Welcome Warriors! Nice to have you onboard! For your info: We are actually in WarmUp Phase Week 4! Final Week in January! Keep going! By the way- how do you feel so far? All exercises should be done correctly and with your full attention/focus. Feel the involved muscles and perform all reps without a hurry! Sometimes less is more! Again, nice to have you here! And don´t panic- we will increase the level on a regular basis! You will need a timer for a lot of our workouts- i can recommend the free APP: TABATA TIMER If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to let us know your questions! Warm-up 5 min warm up program: 30s of easy running on the spot Arm Circling 15sec each direction Hip Circling 15 sec each direction 10 Air squads 10 Inch Worm & PushUps 30s Jumping jacks 5 each (LH/RH) Lunges with nice stretch 30s Mountain Climbers Warm Up Circle 4.3 (5 Rounds for time) Circuit 5 rounds 2 Minutes break between rounds +30 Crunches +30 Russian Twist +30 Mountain Climbers +30 Straight Leg Raises +30 Oblique crunches (15 ea) Level: HETo make the start for all of us easier we will have following Levels: Normal Effort, NE High Effort, HE MAX Effort, ME Our circles don´t depend on max reps- make all exercises correct and focused with related effort....
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