Announcements 2024 CrossFit Games Open registration is live: 14th annual CF Open begins Feb. 29 Blue Ridge CrossFit – HDS-Hybrid Athlete Instructional Welcome Warriors! Nice to have you onboard! For your info: We are actually within the 2nd month of our new project! All exercises should be done correctly and with your full attention/focus. Feel the involved muscles and perform all reps without a hurry! Sometimes less is more! Again, nice to have you here! And don´t panic- we will increase the level on a regular basis! You will need a timer for a lot of our workouts- i can recommend the free APP: TABATA TIMER If you have any questions, don´t hesitate to let us know your questions! Warm-up 5 min warm up program: 30s of easy running on the spot Arm Circling 15sec each direction Hip Circling 15 sec each direction 10 Air squads 10 Inch Worm & PushUps 30s Jumping jacks 5 each (LH/RH) Lunges with nice stretch 30s Mountain Climbers 8 Rounds for time (8 Rounds for time) +15 Reverse Lunges +15 Hollow Rocks +15 PushUps Have fun Dead Hang (Time) max time possible! If you feel like quitting-add another 10s! 🙂 Post Workout Stretching routine #1 (Checkmark) 1. Standing Forward Fold: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward from your hips and let your upper body hang down towards the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. 2. Standing Quad Stretch: Stand tall and grab your right ankle with your right hand. Pull your heel... Read More