Announcements Spring Schedule updates: Yoga: M,W,F (0700-0715) Open Gym: Saturday: (0800) Spring Quarter Challenge: Starts Monday, April 01 Spring Programming Cycle: “HOTEL” Cycle Begins Monday, 01 April “Out of the box” Program: Begins Saturday, 06 April and occurs the first Saturday of every month through the spring! Class Schedule Friday, 29 March: 0600 CrossFit 0830 CrossFit 0930-1200: Open Gym 1200: CrossFit *No 6pm Class scheduled Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Conditioning Partner WOD | Teams of 2
Announcements Spring Schedule updates: Yoga: M,W,F (0700-0715) Open Gym: Saturday: (0800) Spring Quarter Challenge: Starts Monday, April 01 Spring Programming Cycle: “HOTEL” Cycle Begins Monday, 01 April “Out of the box” Program: Begins Saturday, 06 April and occurs the first Saturday of every month through the spring! Class Schedule Friday, 29 March: 0600 CrossFit 0830 CrossFit 0930-1200: Open Gym 1200: CrossFit *No 6pm Class scheduled Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week: Athletes will be establishing benchmarks next 6 days. Metabolic training should be kept to a minimum and lower intensity. Put extra time into mobility, recovery and rest. Mild activity is recommended outside of the programming (Walking, yoga etc.) “HOTEL” Cycle begins 01 April Benchmark/Stamina *Athletes can choose between 800m Run or 1000m Row. 800m Run (Time) Max Effort 800m Run 1000m Row (Time) Max Effort 1000m Row Benchmark Gymnastics Flexed Arm Hang (Time) *All athletes timed
Announcements Spring Schedule updates: Yoga: M,W,F (0700-0715) Open Gym: Saturday: (0800) Spring Quarter Challenge: Starts Monday, April 01 Spring Programming Cycle: “HOTEL” Cycle Begins Monday, 01 April “Out of the box” Program: Begins Saturday, 06 April and occurs the first Saturday of every month through the spring! Class Schedule Friday, 29 March: 0600 CrossFit 0830 CrossFit 0930-1200: Open Gym 1200: CrossFit *No 6pm Class scheduled Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week: Athletes will be establishing benchmarks next 6 days. Metabolic training should be kept to a minimum and lower intensity. Put extra time into mobility, recovery and rest. Mild activity is recommended outside of the programming (Walking, yoga etc.) “HOTEL” Cycle begins 01 April Benchmark/Stamina *Athletes can choose between 800m Run or 1000m Row. 800m Run (Time) Max Effort 800m Run 1000m Row (Time) Max Effort 1000m Row Benchmark Gymnastics *Athlete choice between High Jump or Broad Jump Max Distance Broad Jump (Distance) Max Height Box Jump (Distance) Max Height Box Jump
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week: Athletes will be establishing benchmarks next 6 days. Metabolic training should be kept to a minimum and lower intensity. Put extra time into mobility, recovery and rest. Mild activity is recommended outside of the programming (Walking, yoga etc.) “HOTEL” Cycle begins 01 April Benchmark/Strength Back Squat (Establish 1RM) (14m) *All 1RM attempts must be judged or videoed to be submitted Back Squat (1xME) Male Athletes: Bodyweight Female Athletes: 75% Bodyweight *All ME sets must be judged or videoed to be submitted Benchmark/Stamina 100m Row (Time) 100m RowAll athletes timed
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Conditioning TEAMS OF 2 | PARTNER WOD Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) (6m) AMRAP A: BB Reverse Lunge 95# L/R=2 B: SB Bearhug Hold 125# Rest: (3m) (6m) AMRAP A: KB Wtd Stepup 24/16kg | 24″ B: BB OH Hold 95# Rest: (3m) (6m) AMRAP A: S2OH 95# B: 2A KB Suitcase Hold *2 Athletes working at a time. Athlete “A” on moving exercise/Athlete “B” on hold. (Can only score reps when both athletes are working simultaneously)
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “GOLF” Cycle | Block 3 | Week 12 This cycle will integrate max effort work-ups to drop-sets as well as accommodate for the CF Open Warm-up Strength (14m) Back Squat (3×5/Workup to MW) Strip final set at ME Metcon