HOTEL | Week 8 | Block 2
Announcements The “MURPH” Memorial Day Hero WOD Date: Saturday, 25 May Time: 0900 (1 Heat) Cookout: 1030-12 (Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided *(Please bring side dish; ie: Coleslaw, egg-salad, fruit etc.) Gear: Weight vests are limited but available. Athletes consider bringing your own Rx: Athletes wishing to complete as “Official” Benchmark must have a judge. Registration: Sign-up with coaches at class Shirts: Sign-up Gender/Size/Style *(Must participate to sign-up for shirts) Guests: (Free guest day!) Friends, family, kids, pets all welcome 🙂 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Skill Transfer Coach Led Snatch Drills Weightlifting Squat Snatch (5×3/Climbing) E105s: Starting at 50% and climbing to max complex Strength Overhead Squat (3×5/MW) (10m) Conditioning 100 Double Under (Time) *Athletes will perform AMRAP based on Wk 7 Time for 100 reps (Sc athletes perform 200 Single-Under)