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HOTEL | Block 3 | Week 10

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Bench Press (3×5/77.5%) (12m) Gymnastics CIRCUIT: 35/65 | 3rds Strict Pull Up (3xME/35s) Rest: (65s) Between sets Metcon Metcon (Time) (4RFT) 8 Hang Clean 135/95# 6 Front Squat 12 Box Jump Burpee 24/20″*WT: (45-50%) of Clean 1RM *CAP: (12m)

HOTEL | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3: (Week 9) Final BLOCK of “HOTEL” Cycle Strength: Re-integrate Pressing and Pulling Olympic Lifting: Integration of the “Jerk” Conditioning: Constantly Varied Warm-up Strength Back Squat (3×5/77.5%) (12m) Gymnastics CIRCUIT: 35/65 | 3rds L-Sit Raises (Pullup Bar) (3xME/35s) Rest: (60s) Between sets Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (12m) 50 Double-Under 12 AKS 10 KB PushPress 5L/5R 8 T2B 50m SA Farmer Carry

HOTEL | Block 3 | Week 10

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Back Squat (3×5/77.5%) (12m) Gymnastics CIRCUIT: 35/65 | 3rds L-Sit Raises (Pullup Bar) (3xME/35s) Rest: (65s) Between sets Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (12m) 50 Double-Under 12 AKS 10 KB PushPress 5L/5R 8 T2B 50m SA Farmer Carry

HOTEL | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3: (Week 9) Final BLOCK of Cycle Strength: Re-integrate Pressing and Pulling Olympic Lifting: Integration of the “Jerk” Conditioning: Constantly Varied Warm-up Strength Bent Over Row (3×5/75%) (8m) Gymnastics CIRCUIT: 30/60 | 3rds Declined Pushup (3xME/30s) Rest: (60s) Between sets Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With an (18m) Running Clock: 800m Run (Buy-in) Then: With remaining time: AMRAP: 14 WallBall Shots 40′ MB Lunges 10 Pike Pushups 40 Alt MB Toe /tap L/R=2 6 MB Strict Hanging Knee RaiseMB: 20/14# Rx+: Vest 20/14#

HOTEL | Block 3 | Week 9

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3: (Week 9) Final week of HOTEL Cycle Strength: Re-integrate Pressing and Pulling Olympic Lifting: Integration of the “Jerk” Conditioning: Constantly Varied Warm-up Strength

HOTEL | Week 7 | Block 2

Announcements The “MURPH” Memorial Day Hero WOD Date: Saturday, 25 May Time: 0900 (1 Heat) Cookout: 1030-12 (Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided *(Please bring side dish; ie: Coleslaw, egg-salad, fruit etc.) Gear: Weight vests are limited but available. Athletes consider bringing your own Rx: Athletes wishing to complete as “Official” Benchmark must have a judge. Registration: Sign-up with coaches at class Shirts: Sign-up Gender/Size/Style *(Must participate to sign-up for shirts) Guests: (Free guest day!) Friends, family, kids, pets all welcome 🙂 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength/Conditioning Body Building/Accessory (4 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT: 40/20 | 4rds DB Arnold Press Warrior Lunge (L) DB Upright Row Warrior Lunge (R)WT: Athlete Choice YOGA Restorative

HOTEL | Week 8 | Block 2

Announcements The “MURPH” Memorial Day Hero WOD Date: Saturday, 25 May Time: 0900 (1 Heat) Cookout: 1030-12 (Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided *(Please bring side dish; ie: Coleslaw, egg-salad, fruit etc.) Gear: Weight vests are limited but available. Athletes consider bringing your own Rx: Athletes wishing to complete as “Official” Benchmark must have a judge. Registration: Sign-up with coaches at class Shirts: Sign-up Gender/Size/Style *(Must participate to sign-up for shirts) Guests: (Free guest day!) Friends, family, kids, pets all welcome 🙂 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength/Conditioning Accessory/Core (4 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT: 40/20 | 4rds Windmill (R) Weighted Reverse Hyper Windmill (L) Deficit RDLWT: Athlete Choice YOGA Gentle/Restorative (15m) *Prepare for MURPH ( Saturday WOD )

HOTEL | Week 6 | Block 2

Announcements The “MURPH” Memorial Day Hero WOD Date: Saturday, 25 May Time: 0900 (1 Heat) Cookout: 1030-12 (Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided *(Please bring side dish; ie: Coleslaw, egg-salad, fruit etc.) Gear: Weight vests are limited but available. Athletes consider bringing your own Rx: Athletes wishing to complete as “Official” Benchmark must have a judge. Registration: Sign-up with coaches at class Shirts: Sign-up Gender/Size/Style *(Must participate to sign-up for shirts) Guests: (Free guest day!) Friends, family, kids, pets all welcome 🙂 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Coach led: (Snatch skill transfer) Weightlifting Low-Hang Squat Snatch (5×3/Climbing) E90s: Starting at 50% and climbing to max complex Strength Overhead Squat (3×5/80%) (10m) Conditioning 100 Double Under (Time) Scaled athletes perform 200 Single Under