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“INDIA” | Week 1 | Bock 1 | Day 2

Announcements Summer Quarter Announcements: “INDIA” Cycle: Starts: 01 July (Block 1) 1776 Challenge: Kick-off: Monday, 01 July Through 31 July Complete 1,776 Total reps of bodyweight exercise of choice throughout the month of July. *Possible Exercises: (Choose One) Pushups/Air-Squats/Pullups/Lunges/Dips/Situps…etc Independence Day Wknd Schedule: Wed, 03 July: (0600,0830,1200) Th, Fri, Sat, 04-06 July: (No classes scheduled.) Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block will integrate METCON’s and Strength and Accessory components simultaneously. Athletes will work through a periodized strength cycle focused on “Hypertrophy” Warm-up Strength Shoulder Press (4×8/60%) E2M Accessory Goblet Cossack Squat (3xME/30s) CIRCUIT: 30/30 | 3rds WT: MW (Athlete choice) SA DB Hammer Curl (3xME/30s) CIRCUIT: 30/30 | 3rds WT: Athlete Choice (MW) (Alternating Reps) Metcon Metcon (Time) 21-15-09 WBS 20/14# C2B *10 Burpee over MB After each Rd.CAP: (10m)

“INDIA” | Block 1 | Week 1

Announcements 1776 Challenge: Begins Monday, 01 July Through 31 July 1,776 Total reps of bodyweight exercise of choice throughout the month of July. *Possible Exercises: Pushups/Air-Squats/Pullups/Lunges/Dips/Situps…etc Independence Day Wknd Schedule: Wed, 03 July: (0600,0830,1200) Th, Fri, Sat, 04-06 July: (No classes scheduled.) Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional “INDIA” Cycle | Block 1 | Week 1 | Day 1:

“INDIA” | Week 1 | Bock 1 | Day 1

Announcements Summer Quarter Announcements: “INDIA” Cycle: Starts: 01 July 1776 Challenge: Kick-off: Monday, 01 July Through 31 July 1,776 Total reps of bodyweight exercise of choice throughout the month of July. *Possible Exercises: Pushups/Air-Squats/Pullups/Lunges/Dips/Situps…etc Independence Day (Wknd Schedule): Wed, 03 July: (0600,0830,1200) Th, Fri, Sat, 04-06 July: (No classes scheduled.) Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block will integrate METCON’s and Strength and Accessory components simultaneously. Athletes will work through a periodized strength cycle focused on “Hypertrophy” Warm-up Strength Deadlift (4×8/60% | E2M) EOMOM Accessory SA DB Hammer Curl (3xME/30s) CIRCUIT: 30/30 | 3rds WT: Athlete Choice (MW) (Alternating Reps) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (14m) 7 OHS 115/75# 7 BJ Burpee 24/20″ 28 Double Under

BENCHMARK Week | Day 5

Announcements 1776 Challenge: Begins Monday, 01 July Through 31 July 1,776 Total reps of bodyweight exercise of choice throughout the month of July. *Possible Exercises: Pushups/Air-Squats/Pullups/Lunges/Dips/Situps…etc Independence Day Wknd Schedule: Wed, 03 July: (0600,0830,1200) Th, Fri, Sat, 04-06 July: (No classes scheduled.) Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week. Athletes will record benchmarks on Powerlifting, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting and Stamina based components. All BM’s must be judged and or video submission to be verified by coach. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength *Athletes will have (20m) to establish 1RM . Athletes can choose (1) of the lifts (OHS or FS) OR Athletes can work in both lifts (time permitting.) * All 1RM attempts must be judged or video submission. Overhead Squat (Establish 1RM) Front Squat (Establish 1RM) Benchmark Gymnastics All Athletes will have judge. (2 Heats) Ring Dips (1xME) *2 Heats

BENCHMARK Week | Day 4

Announcements 1776 Challenge: Begins Monday, 01 July Through 31 July 1,776 Total reps of bodyweight exercise of choice throughout the month of July. *Possible Exercises: Pushups/Air-Squats/Pullups/Lunges/Dips/Situps…etc Independence Day Wknd Schedule: Wed, 03 July: (0600,0830,1200) Th, Fri, Sat, 04-06 July: (No classes scheduled.) Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week. Athletes will record benchmarks on Powerlifting, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting and Stamina based components. All BM’s must be judged and or video submission to be verified by coach. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength *All 1RM attempts must be judged or video submission. Bent Over Row (Establish 1RM (12m)) Benchmark Gymnastics All Athletes will have judge. (2 Heats) L-Sit Raise (Rings) (1xME) Benchmark Gymnastics Athlete Choice: Athletes will choose Double-Unders OR Single-Unders 100 Double Under (Time) CAP: (3m) 200 Single-Under (Time) CAP: (3m)

BENCHMARK Week | Day 3

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week. Athletes will record benchmarks on Powerlifting, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting and Stamina based components. All BM’s must be judged and or video submission to be verified by coach. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength *All 1RM attempts must be judged or video submission. Bench Press (Establish 1RM) (20m) Deadlift (Establish 1 RM) (20m) Benchmark/Stamina *Athlete choice: 800m Run OR 1000m Row 800m Run (Time) Max Effort 800m Run1xME 1000m Row (Time) Max Effort 1000m Row1xME

BENCHMARK Week | Day 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week. Athletes will record benchmarks on Powerlifting, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting and Stamina based components. All BM’s must be judged and or video submission to be verified by coach. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength *All 1RM attempts must be judged or video submission. Bench Press (Establish 1RM) (20m) Benchmark Gymnastics *All Gymnastics BM to be judged or video submission. (2 Heats) Strict Pull Up (1xME)

BENCHMARK Week | Day 2

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Benchmark/Deload Week. Athletes will record benchmarks on Powerlifting, Gymnastics, Olympic Lifting and Stamina based components. All BM’s must be judged and or video submission to be verified by coach. Warm-up Benchmark/Strength *All 1RM attempts must be judged or video submission. Bench Press (Establish 1RM) (20m) Benchmark Gymnastics *All Gymnastics BM to be judged or video submission. (2 Heats) Strict Pull Up (1xME) Flexed Arm Hang (Time) 1xME