Announcements EASTER SCHEDULE: Friday, April 7: 0600 CF, 0700 Yoga, 0930 CF, 1200 CF, (Open Gym: 0715-0930 & 1030-1200) *No 6pm Clas scheduled Saturday, April 8: Regularly scheduled classes and OG Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Week 1 on new “DELTA” Cycle. Block 1: METCONS: Will be Oxidative pathway centered. STRENGTH: Concentrated and diversified lifting based in the “Big 3” and branched out. GYMNASTICES: Core Biased. Strength (30m) Deadlift (3×10@55%) Sumo Deadlift (3×10@55%) Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (3×10@55%) Gymnastics Strict Toes-To-Bar (3xME/30s) 3xME/30s