Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Conditioning Teams of 2 | Partner WOD Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT: 90/30 | 4rds Tire Flip/Pullup Bar Hang Tire Jump/Roman Chair OH Sledge/OH Block Hold Stone G2S/KB Suitcase Hold*90s Work/30s Rest: **Athlete “A” Working while Athlete “B” Isometric. ***Athlete “A” can only work while Athlete “B” is Holding. WT: Athlete choice
Announcements Apparel: “Train or get stacked”2nd orderclosing out tomorrow, Wednesday, 4/19. Get your orders in now. 2023 “MURPH” Designs will be completed by end of week,orders will open Monday, 5/1. Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Conditioning Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) With a (28m) running clock: 800m Run 50 Pullup 75 Situp 100 Pushup 125 AirSquat (Buy-in) Then: With remaining time ME 25m Shuttle Run*Score: Shuttle run laps ONLY