Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit CONDITIONING (3 Rounds for reps) Teams of 2 | Partner WOD *CIRCUIT: 60/60 | 3 Rounds ME / Sledge | Squat Thrust ME / Log Flip | Burpee ME / SB G2OH | T2B ME / SB Front Squat | Jumping AS *BOTH ATHLETES WORK “A” “B” *BOTH ATHLTETES REST*
Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Conditioning Teams of 2 | Partner WOD Metcon (Weight) (7m) AMRAP 200m Run/Row (Buy-in) ME Floor Press Rest: (3m) (7m) AMRAP 200m Run/Row (Buy-in) ME Deadlift Rest: (4m) (7m) AMRAP 200m Run/Row (Buy-in) ME CleanWt. 135/95# *1 Athlete rows / 1 Athlete runs **1 Athlete working on bar at a time Rx+: With vest 20/14#