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VICTOR | Week 1 | Day 4 | Benchmark Week


VICTOR | Week 1 | Day 4 | Benchmark Week

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit



“VICTOR” Cycle Begins with a benchmark week. Athletes will deload and test thresholds in strength, Olympic Lifting, Stamina & Agility. Athletes are encouraged to reduce the impact and overall conditioning volume during this time period as well as dedicate purposeful time into mobility, flexibility and recovery.

Benchmark Gymnastics

Athlete choice: ME/HSPU or ME/PU

Strict HSPU | Max Effort | (3m)

Kipping HSPU | Max Effort | (3m)

Pushup Max Effort (3min)

Benchmark Gymnastics

Athlete Choice:


Strict Pull Up

Kipping Pullup | Max Effort | (3m)

Strict Ring Muscle up (ME/3m)

Bar Muscle-ups (ME/3m)