2 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Deadlift (4×2/92.5% | 1xME/70%) (16m) Metcon Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT: 30s/30s | 4rds Strict shoulder Press Box Jump 24/20″ Front Squat Double-Under WT: 95/65#
2 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Deadlift (4×2/92.5% | 1xME/70%) (16m) Metcon Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) CIRCUIT: 30s/30s | 4rds Strict shoulder Press Box Jump 24/20″ Front Squat Double-Under WT: 95/65#
1 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3 (Final Block) Warm-up Strength Bench Press (4×2/92.5% | ME/70% ) (15m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA KB H2S 4 Burpee Over Bell Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA H2OH 4 BOB Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA S2OH 4 BOB KB: 24/16kg Rx+: 32/20kg
1 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3 (Final Block) Warm-up Strength Bench Press (4×2/92.5% | ME/70% ) (15m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA KB H2S 4 Burpee Over Bell Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA H2OH 4 BOB Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA S2OH 4 BOB KB: 24/16kg Rx+: 32/20kg
1 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3 (Final Block) Warm-up Strength Bench Press (4×2/92.5% | ME/70% ) (15m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA KB H2S 4 Burpee Over Bell Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA H2OH 4 BOB Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA S2OH 4 BOB KB: 24/16kg Rx+: 32/20kg
1 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3 (Final Block) Warm-up Strength Bench Press (4×2/92.5% | ME/70% ) (15m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA KB H2S 4 Burpee Over Bell Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA H2OH 4 BOB Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA S2OH 4 BOB KB: 24/16kg Rx+: 32/20kg
1 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 2 | Week 8 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Warm-up Strength Bench Press (4×1/92.5% | ME/60% ) (14m) *Compare to Week 7 Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 Russian KBS 4 Burpee Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 American KBS 4 Box Jump Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 RKS + AKS (Alternate) 4 BJ Burpee KB: 24/16kg Box: 24/20″ Rx+: 32/20kg / 30/24″
1 Dec /0 Comments/WOD “HELENE” | Block 3 | Week 9 Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit Instructional Block 3 (Final Block) Warm-up Strength Bench Press (4×2/92.5% | ME/70% ) (15m) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA KB H2S 4 Burpee Over Bell Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA H2OH 4 BOB Rest: (2m) (4m) AMRAP 8 SA S2OH 4 BOB KB: 24/16kg Rx+: 32/20kg