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Benchmark Week | Day 5 (Final Day)


Benchmark Week | Day 5 (Final Day)


Spring Schedule updates:

Yoga: M,W,F (0700-0715)

Open Gym: Saturday: (0800)

Spring Quarter Challenge:

Starts Monday, April 01

Spring Programming Cycle:

“HOTEL” Cycle

Begins Monday, 01 April

“Out of the box” Program:

Begins Saturday, 06 April and occurs the first Saturday of every month through the spring!

Class Schedule Friday, 29 March:

0600 CrossFit

0830 CrossFit

0930-1200: Open Gym

1200: CrossFit

*No 6pm Class scheduled

Blue Ridge CrossFit – CrossFit


Benchmark/Deload Week:

Athletes will be establishing benchmarks next 6 days. Metabolic training should be kept to a minimum and lower intensity. Put extra time into mobility, recovery and rest. Mild activity is recommended outside of the programming (Walking, yoga etc.)

“HOTEL” Cycle begins 01 April


*Athletes can choose between 800m Run or 1000m Row.

800m Run (Time)

Max Effort 800m Run

1000m Row (Time)

Max Effort 1000m Row

Benchmark Gymnastics

Flexed Arm Hang (Time)

*All athletes timed